
Recent trip route in Thailand

Thailand has many layers to be unveiled and the more I discover, the more fascinating everything becomes. These are new islands for me, all of them amazing, specially Koh Lipe. I had great day in Koh Santa, in low season, my favourite season.

This map style is slightly different from others and I like it a lot. I think it will be my map style by default  (until I start experimenting in the next attempt because I know myself).

Giant Thai stamp, self portrait and important lesson

Mixed notes: One note emphasizes, "The important thing is the tone" when it comes to storytelling or any creative endeavor. Understanding this key aspect took me years, but once I did, many doubts and decisions resolved quickly and effortlessly. Consequently, the story itself, its accuracy, and even aesthetics come later.

Applying this insight is the next challenge, but that's another matter.



Finding Inspiration in Satoshi Kon's wisdom

Satoshi Kon was a true master of his craft, weaving delicate images with deep emotions. His words recently helped me resolve a dilemma that had lingered in my mind for months while crafting the 2050 cards project.

I had placed excessive emphasis on the story, thinking it was the foremost element of any narrative. Some renowned film directors even delete a well-shot scene if it doesn't enhance the story. This mindset, while practical for business/profit related activities as cinema or Netflix, may stifle free creativity.

Satoshi Kon's perspective was refreshingly different: he painted mesmerizing images overflowing with creativity and then ingeniously find the way to match them with the story. The result might sometimes feel disjointed, but the emotion and, more importantly, the tone, were paramount.

This is my tiny tribute to him, etched into a small page of my small notebook. I hope it resonates with your soul and introduces you to his magnificent universe if you haven't ventured there yet. Let's embrace the beauty of creativity and the magic of storytelling, just as Satoshi Kon did.



Mixed notes including Thai coins and Lady Gaga

First time I see that Thai coins table. I’d like to see one of those Chang coins! I imagine them like 1kg oreo cookies each.

Sun direction in Bangkok

It's a little confusing when coming from Europe. In Bangkok Sun could be in the South or in the North depending of the time, which is extremely weird for orientation. It’s also a key factor when choosing accommodation since light quality changes a lot.

A room facing North is not so bad here! The magic of tropical places. 



The moustache

Take care if you eat wine and khachapuri in Georgia while displaying a bushy moustache.