
Miho Bot

What an enigmatic character. She has a lot to say in 2050 story.

I’m fascinated to see how my little characters evolve 🎈And this is a special one: Miho Bot, the narrator of the story.

But don’t fall in love too soon since she is neither human nor even made of flesh and bones. She is a subroutine. AI created her in 2050 as a kind of archeologist to manage some difficult information left by humans. The only way to understand what people wanted to express in some artwork is using a digital human model with same feelings and behaviour than real humans. Miho Bot is so cute and friendly because she was designed to understand and eventually interact with people.

When she was 19 min old she already reached professional archeologist skills. 23 min later she organized and catalogued the whole notes collection by enigmatic Coconut Monk. So it’s time for she to release and introduce those notes to sharp listeners. However in this step she is forced to use language, a primitive and extremely slow way of communication. Anyways she is happy to do it (she is programmed for that), smile, patience x1000 and no hurry.

Let’s she what she tells us about those notes

Bangkok is always in my mind

Travel notebook when no traveling. It doesn’t matter. I’m traveling in my mind so I will draw details of my dear Thailand from now on. If Bangkok is the entrance to Asia, Suvarnabhumi airport is the entrance to the entrance. A special place which ALWAYS brings me happiness at its highest level.

Did you know there is a navigable canal in the middle of Bangkok? Crossing the city moving along that sublayer is a nice experience with its own style, full Thai.