The goal of this notebook is to reproduce my journals in a way people from all the world can have them in their hands and feel the same touch, size, cover and paper than the originals.
Tittle: The Nautilus Manuscript / El manuscrito Nautilus
Size: 14 x 9 x 2,5 cm
Number of pages: 208
Paper: Vergè (laid) 100g/m2
Cover: Hard, black color and real leather
Bookbinding: Bound by hand
Produced in small batches. Check availability before placing an order.
Price: 325 EUR
Each copy is numbered and signed.
International certified shipping included.
IVA/VAT included in the price, when applied (inside European Union).
Shippings to worldwide.
Shippings to worldwide.
How to order:
There are 3 ways:
1. Email me to naranjacorreo@gmail.com to place an order. Worldwide shipping from Spain.
2. 🇺🇸 USA customers can also buy directly here:
Amarillo Stationery is an online shop based in USA.
You can pay directly in USD. Domestic shipping from Chicago.
3. 🇯🇵 For Japan customers can also buy directly here:
Wanderlust is an online shop based in Japan.
You can pay directly in JPY. Domestic shipping from Japan.

A few years after the release of The Orange Manuscript my second published notebook is now a reality.
A very personal project made with pleasure and full passion. Countless iterations to take care of every detail extended the process a lot of time. But it was worth, finally.

When I was offered to publish it under a few of those "top publishing houses" I thought this would save me a lot of manufacturing work and headaches. However industrial process can't guarantee valuable details and accuracy. Mass production often kills the essence and that's exactly the key in this case.
Therefore I decided the production to remain full manual. This is time consuming and brings much higher costs and headaches but the result keeps the soul of my original notebooks. As I always say, making your own notebooks adds a unique and special feeling and link.
I found a small workshop with good professionals who take care of the bookbinding process, specially working with the laborious leather cover. Slow method but worth.

As for the printing I did numerous tests. I chose the best of the best and the print quality shocked me every time I see closely. Really magic! Thanks to the experimented good man from the printer who helped me a lot to manage some main guidelines in the beginning.

And the new baby is THICK.

The Nautilus Manuscript is facsimile, a replica which collects copies of my written pages from 2015 to 2019. Notes, ideas, memories, experiences and difficult to catalog stuff fill the pages. Many of these spreads can be seen in the draft or finished along my posts in Instagram. It's written mostly in Spanish and some pages in English. All full visual.
Here an overview of all the pages together and some samples:

I'm so happy to complete this personal project and now I can share it with the world.
Many thanks for reading.
Extra! @skybambi recorded this nice video flipping pages when she received her copy.
You can watch it full here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CWyVTIUhu8M/
Or bellow in 5 parts:
The Nautilus Manuscript has landed saftely. Number 8.
Well ... a short feedback is not something so simple ... with so much things to say !
First of all, the magic of the package is always a special instant, when discovering all details and add-ons coming with the manuscript itself.
Then the Nautilus Manuscript. The hand-made realization is really fabulous, with quality and something saying that this was done with love, carefull attention and full respect of the author creation.
Quality of the paper, its color more white than the Orange Manuscript (I have one also), quality of the print (contrasts, respect of the colors, precision). Could I say more ? Of course, and may be all the night... and during days !
In this numeric world, your manuscript is so precious (for example, myself, I am using paper agenda for years even if my smartphone, my laptop could take the job easier).
Thank you very much again for giving us the opportunity to plunge into your poetic and so inspiring world.
He comprado recientemente el Nautilus para regalárselo a mi marido. Realmente, ya sabía que el regalo sería un acierto, porque hace unos años él se autorregaló el Manuscrito Naranja. Ambos son una maravilla, la delicadeza y el detalle de sus ilustraciones, la riqueza de sus colores, la calidad del papel, su contenido...
El libro viene envuelto de manera cuidada, elegante y sencilla.
Un magnífico regalo para aficionados a pequeños y diferentes tesoros.
The Orange manuscript and Natilius manuscript have already arrived. I am thrilled, it is a pleasure for me to hold these wonderful books in my hands. They are lovingly packaged, processed with high quality, they inspire me, I like to leaf through them, think about them and develop my own ideas. Thank you for the special notebooks, the special insight into your work and the fast delivery.
Un gran regalo para aquellos que les encanta viajar, para aquellos a los que el arte es una forma de vida y para los que disfrutan de las pequeñas cosas que el mundo tiene para ofrecer.
El trabajo de José es de una calidad excepcional, ojalá nos siga deleitando con tan increible trabajo.
Un gran regalo para aquellos que les encanta viajar, para aquellos a los que el arte es una forma de vida y para los que disfrutan de las pequeñas cosas que el mundo tiene para ofrecer.
El trabajo de José es de una calidad excepcional, ojalá nos siga deleitando con tan increible trabajo.
Llevaba tiempo dándole vueltas a adquirir algunos de los manuscrito de Jose Naranja, finalmente opté por el Nautilus y no puedo estar más contento con la compra.
Está cuidado hasta el más mínimo detalle: las ilustraciones, las composiciones, los textos e incluso los materiales y las calidades... hasta el paquete en el que te lo envía está cuidado al detalle.
El manuscrito en sí es genial, a mi recuerda al manuscrito Voinych, pero más artístico y con un toque matemático único y muy inspirador.
Como regalo o autoregalo para los amantes de tesoros es un acierto seguro.
Recibí el Manuscrito Naranja como regALo de cumpleaños y no pudo ser más acertado. Ha sido el mejor regALo (no sólo de cumpleaños) con el que me han obsequiado en mi vida. Es una auténtica obra de arte: historias increíbles contadas con gran ingenio y aderezadas con detalles, miniaturas y dibujos meticulosos, maravillosos y oníricos. Un deleite para los sentidos! Un Manuscrito que hijos y nietos heredarán y con el que disfrutarán al máximo.
Y qué decir del empaquetado! Se nota el mimo y el cuidado puesto en el más mínimo detalle. No puedo decir más que GRACIAS por semejante regALazo. Es tan tan tan inspirador!!!
A very precious gift, full of wonders and magic. A real treasure!!!
Recibí el Manuscrito Naranja como regALo de cumpleaños y no pudo ser más acertado. Ha sido el mejor regALo (no sólo de cumpleaños) con el que me han obsequiado en mi vida. Es una auténtica obra de arte: historias increíbles contadas con gran ingenio y aderezadas con detalles, miniaturas y dibujos meticulosos, maravillosos y oníricos. Un deleite para los sentidos! Un Manuscrito que hijos y nietos heredarán y con el que disfrutarán al máximo.
Y qué decir del empaquetado! Se nota el mimo y el cuidado puesto en el más mínimo detalle. No puedo decir más que GRACIAS por semejante regALazo. Es tan tan tan inspirador!!!
A very precious gift, full of wonders and magic. A real treasure!!!
Have you ever been sucked into a book? This happened to me as soon I open The Nautilus Manuskript. It sparkles of ingenuity on every single page. The drawings, the watercolors, the headlines, the combination of colors, all are amazing. Did I mention the handwriting itself?! The love for journaling as well as for detailes can be seen and felt.
Thank you José for creating another "gem" very worthwile to collect.
The Nautilus manuscript is such an amazing book - a true inspiration! I collect facsimile sketchbooks and I've never seen anything like this. The quality of the paper makes you feel like you're holding the original sketchbook. It's a real piece of art that I'll always treasure.
This perfect little sketchbook arrived in New York City from Spain in only three days. The craftsmanship was clearly done with love and care. It's one of the most wonderful things I've ever held in my hands. The detail in the drawings inspires me on every page.
It arrived to me very fast. I feel surprised with the quality of details in the drawings. Those stories bring me to the creative world inside Jose Naranja´s head.
Keep producing more notebooks please!
I am in receipt of the Natalis journal and as they say, good things come in small packages- and this promises to be a treasure trove! I ordered this for my husband to give me for Christmas, so I was only able to sneak a quick peek- but what I saw was awesome and I know I will be spending a lot of time pouring over this beautiful pages!
I am in receipt of the Natalis journal and as they say, good things come in small packages- and this promises to be a treasure trove! I ordered this for my husband to give me for Christmas, so I was only able to sneak a quick peek- but what I saw was awesome and I know I will be spending a lot of time pouring over these beautiful pages! Beautifully done!
I had the chance to get a copy of this a couple of days ago and im still mesmerized. I know Jose for so many years and there's not a single day where he doesn't impress me a bit more.
If you people liked the original manuscript, this Nautilus will simply blow your mind. I could stare at every page for hours and hours and still be impressed as the very first second. The thoughts, effort but specially care to detail behind the Nautilus is visible from the moment you get your hands into the manuscript till the very specific detail of how colors are used.
A masterpiece, that sooner or later any precious museum around the world will fight to own!
Jose Naranja, you've done it again. Hats off! 🎩🍊
Received #157 ! The shipping was so fast! 3 days from Europe to Asia! Love the pages and the illustrations. Such a keeper. Love the handwriting and wish I could read spanish. Thank you so much for your dedication to your craft!
Purchased both manuscripts and I cannot speak highly enough of them. These are treasures. The quality is excellent and the art within .... pure magic. Thank you Jose for sharing your work with us and for taking such care in preserving their integrity. After looking at this work on the internet for many years, the joy of now being able to hold them in my hands and turn each page, losing myself in the artistry, humour and imagination .... bliss! Thank you and many blessings your way my friend.
Today my book arrived at the other end of the world here in South Australia. I filmed the opening of the package and carefully took off the labelling. Love the size, the cover, the paper, the colour, and the quirkiness of the whole journal. I then quickly showed all my work mates and they were enthralled. Can not wait to finish work and get home and study its detail. thank you Jose for all your hard work, detailed eye and commitment to sharing a quality product that I will keep forever. And I think I will have to learn another language so I can read it properly lol
I received my Nautilus manuscript yesterday and it completely blew my mind!!!!! It is packed with beautiful and detailed illustrations and insights from cover to cover. It’s very inspirational and I’m happy the artist/author has decided to share it with the world. It brings to mind Forrest Gump’s comment “Life is like a box of chocolates… you never now what you’re going to get…” In this journal a surprise awaits for you at every turn of the page. I’ve decided to open the book on a random page everyday to find out what’s in store… a unique piece of art.
My copy ofThe Nautilus manuscript arrived safely and very quick. I am so in awe. It is such an amazing book - a true gem! I have never seen a journal so full of details and amazing art. I'll always treasure this book and I’m already thinking about getting the orange manuscript or maybe the next project?? Thank you for so much inspiration!!
Mi pareja me había mencionado el Manuscrito Nautilus varias veces y decidí regalárselo para su cumpleaños. José Naranja fue muy gentil en todo el proceso y escribió una encantadora dedicatoria, lo cual agradezco mucho. El envío (en este caso a Chile) fue muy expedito, venía muy bien protegido y llegó en perfectas condiciones. Mi pareja quedó encantada, hay un sinnúmero de detalles que está apreciando cada día. Es un formato hermoso y en el que se nota la dedicación en cada una de sus hojas.
Received mine(297) two days ago. Shipping to Singapore took a while but it was worth waiting for. Highly recommend. This is a functional piece of art! - Christiana
Black Friday present for myself! José responded really quit and i received the package within a week in The Netherlands. What a beautiful little book with a big and amazing content! Really very happy that i decided to give myself this present. It's unbelievable how much work, creativity and soul José has been able to put in this notebook.
Thank you! ~ Pauline, The Netherlands
I just got my copies of the Orange Manuscript and the Nautilus Manuscript yesterday and I couldn't be happier with them. I've been following José's work for years and love it, but I was surprised how much more meaningful it is to hold the books. It's very special to be able to interact with the art in the same format as it's created, and to see the whole book as a combined collection. It becomes an artifact, a treasure, in itself, instead of just a collection of works - so different from seeing the images online.
The quality of the printing, binding, and presentation adds to the effect. Get these if you can, they're amazing. Easy ordering, efficient shipping, and a beautiful present at the end of it. Thank you José!
En Argentina es imposible de conseguir... Ojalá algún día los argentinos podamos acceder a comprar cuadernos y libros del exterior y que tengamos oportunidades.
Lo recibí hace unos días y estoy impresionada. Una auténtica maravilla tanto en la forma como en el fondo. Imprescindible para los amantes de la escritura y la estética en general. Un acierto su compra!! Brutal!
The Nautilus Manuscript arrived and took my breath away! From the packaging and wrappings, to the notebook itself (the soft leather!) to the contents inside...WOW. Best.birthday.gift.to.myself--EVER. I absolutely love it for both it's incredible beauty as well as its ability to inspire me. I find myself getting lost inside it--in such good ways. THANK YOU, JOSÉ for this incredible gift to the world.
I wish there was a digital version like there is for the Orange Manuscript. I know you want to keep the integrity of your original vision, but it’s just not practical for me to carry around another item. It would be much better to access it digitally like the other book.
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