
Mutant Ladybugs

Evolution finds unexpected ways. Maybe in other worlds ladybugs pollinate mammoths. 

These particular kind of ladybugs flight at Mach 0.8 and they could mutate at will to reach Mach 3. Nothing is weird enough in the development of life.

2050 cards project. Second print test

I did the second print test to see how both a new case and back of the cards look like. See the first print test here.

The result is quite visual.

Still working a lot to develop the cards. Many new ideas and details to polish. I think the number of card will be increased from my original plan of 64 to 100.



Wisdom listens

The pill

In the right page there is something will happen for sure. A new drug with high addiction properties irresistible for everyone, included the ones who create the law and the ones who own the factories. Once the brain is know in detail, a custom drug can be designed. In this scenario maybe a group of humans don't react to the drug's effects and they could take the power in the middle of the chaos.

Mass consume. People control become even more easy. They will always need more and if you need something, that thing owns you.

Doctor Stone is great

Great way to spread the value of science. And with Japanese touch and style!

Somehow I'm more into fantasy, science or futuristic worlds than in this "real" reality.