
The address book

This was my very first full handmade notebook. It includes leather cover.

It's a point of no return. I will never go back to a no handmade notebook, otherwise the strong link with it will be lost, same as a link between father and baby.

I used it for one of the most fascinating project I did last year: The address book. Highly recommended idea where the unique characteristics of the address book are shown and felt, all of them good ones. There are many names inside the pages and there is only a connection between all: Me. It also helps to bring memories since every name keeps a lot of information and brains knows it.
Names are written with ink, that means it's final, bla, bla.


About Chesterfield and more

Drawing beautiful things is always a pleasure. I didn't consider a Chesterfield couch in my "perfect studio" and now I imagine it could suit perfectly. Style and atmosphere.

And British.


Anna Karenina

When I started reading Anna Karenina I remembered the complex links between the characters and their names I found in Dostoevsky. I assume that's the Russian way to write novels. So I took notes of every person and the several names sometimes are associated to them.

Somehow I discovered a point of view for very known books. It's funny to elaborate since I didn't take too much care to do it perfect.

Regarding the book itself I wouldn't recommend it. The story and Anna Karenina character are great but the mindset, conversations and behavior are too sticked to high class and old style society, the opposite to freedom, creativity, passion or think out of the jail. Each one is limited for the roll assigned by the community and that has not value. Human being is much more than that.