
The Handmaiden

What a discovery. I'm completely in love with this movie. 100% visual poetry and a pleasure for the senses. Each frame is and artwork.
I already know the South Korean director Park Chan-Wook from Oldboy, also an amazing movie. Genius.

The characters are such a perfecto models. And so obedient. I just click on PAUSE and they still as much as I need to drawing them.

I watched this movie 4 times in the last days. Well, te first one I missed the subtitles and I understood nothing about the also great story.

"The house shows the passion of the owner for Japan and England."


El Sistema

Existe un orden que define la estructura social, económica y militar. Ese orden está perfectamiente estudiado. Este orden se aplica. Pensar lo contrario sería ingenuo. ¿Acaso no se estudian en profundidad los dealles microscópicos en cada área de conocimiento? Una gota de agua acumula interminables estudios por parte de gente sesuda. Las células, las migraciones, las propiedades del silicio, las señales del espacio profundo. etc. Cómo no va a estar estudiado algo tan fundamental como el poder. Su aplicación durante siglos se ha afinado. ¿Hay una persona poderosa en la punta de la pirámide moviendo los hilos mientras acaricia un gato? La respuesta es irrelevante, pero el hecho es que “como si lo fuera”. No creo que haya una única persona o grupo de personas en lo alto, sino un CONJUNTO DE FUERZAS IMPERSONALES. La nube etérea es el conjunto de muchas energías que convergen en intereses comunes y que son reflejo del ansia humana de acaparar. Analizar el funcionamiento del sistema, o al menos intentarlo, es tarea fundamental. El sistema es poderoso y a estas alturas está bien atado y engrasado. Mantiene privilegios en un conjunto de humanos y oprime a muchos. No creo que la opresión sea deseada por los que mantienen el poder sino que es consecuencia del reparto de recursos a su favor. Después, a distintos niveles, se teje una jerarquía de poderes locales que hacen funcionar en engranaje. Legiones de estómagos agradedidos participan en esos falsos poderes moviendo ls ruedas pero no deciden lo importante. El faraón ya no necesita bajar a dar latigazos; basta con convencer a uno de los esclavos para que lo haga. Una vez estudiado el sistema y sabiendo que intentará someternos sin piedad lo siguiente es defininir qué actitud tomar. Llevar a cabo acciones sin un análisis correcto puede ser una estrategia fatal. Puesto que el sistema es poderoso y un solo individuo no puede vencerlo solo quedan dos opciones: organizarse para aunar fuerzas o protegerse . Quizás algunos consigan lo primero pero mientras tanto hay que tomar posiciones y defenderse. Si un individio se pasa de la raya y ataca al sistema, éste se volverá con todas su fuerzas y el individo quedará aniquilado fácilmente. Sin embargo, de momento la fuerza la ejerce sobre las masas, como la pata de un elefante aplastando la hierba sin cuidado ni moral.

Conclusión y acción: tan malo es no analizar como hacerlo y no actuar; en ambos casos uno acabaría aplastado o subyugado. Queda espacio para moverse en los huecos que dejan las pisadas. No destacar pero tampoco comportarse como masa. Infiltrarse y seguir observando.


Orange Time Capsule

I decided to create a time capsule just for fun. An easy, kindergarten level but pending little project I had in mind for so long. However it quickly became a huge and complex task when I went in deep. Fascinating anyways.


A lot of questions appeared, most of them of high relevance:

What’s the main goal of a time capsule?
Where and how should it be stored?
How many years? 10, 50, 100, 10000 years? 
How to know if someone has acceded to the capsule?
How to prevent someone to open the box early?
Is a ritual required?
Should the capsule be announced in public? Or maybe is it a secret?
Who will be named a guardians?
Should I create a treasure map?
And, of course, what to include inside?

Each questions opens the door to hours of thinking. I will write about some ideas behind each one.

What’s the main goal of a time capsule?  
I reached the conclusion the most important use of a time capsule is to establish a communication with the future, probably with someone who hasn’t been born today. This is a superpower! Other tasks are the possibility to transcend or a way to keep some of the creations in time. Everything will be dust at the end, but before the end hopefully something remains. There is the risk some person found the capsule and it’s not interesting to his eyes so he could discard it. What a lost. Due to this reason it’s necessary to create a cute, full of quality and valuable box in order the future owner to fall in love with it. An award inside for him also will help.

Where and how should it be stored?
Since there is not a 100% safe place maybe the optimum place to locate the capsule could be in the space, orbiting for ever and ever. This option could be really complex to develop so I discarded it (by now). Underground is the most typical way to store a treasure since it’s safe from fire and the location is almost impossible to find due to the huge quantity of ground in the planet. However it’s exposed to rain which destroys everything unless a proper structure is built. Keeping it inside a house is other option. I will not say which one to avoid the vulnerability this information brings.

How many years? 10, 50, 100, 10000 years?
Let’s fix the date in 200 years ahead: 2217. Number or years drives the materials chosen for the capsule. Wood will not last too much. Plastic could keep water away but it will degrade with time. Metal will face corrosion problems sooner or later. Maybe glass is the best solution.

How to know if someone has accessed the capsule?
Setting a trap inside the box will alert is the capsule has been opened. But how to know it even without checking the box? I found a solution, at least while there is someone alive to do the check.

How to prevent someone from opening the box early?
Informing there is an award inside available only if the capsule is opened at the right time. Otherwise, if capsule is opened early a spell will attack that person for, let’s say, 5 years of bad luck. This scares a lot and definitely it works.

Is a ritual required?

Oh, definitely!

Should the capsule be announced in public? Or maybe is it a secret?

I think it will be a pity if the capsule survives for years but nobody notices it. So when announcing the capsule has been created at least some people will know it exists and it’s somewhere.

Should a guardians be named?

Yes, and they will have the responsibility to know the capsule exists. They will be notified by email. If you are reading this, you are also a guardian of my little capsule.

Should I create a treasure map?

A treasure map is as important as the capsule itself, unless the map points to a place which is not accesible. A treasure map map is also good as a backup.

And, of course, what to include inside?

Be sure it includes surprises.

Even it the capsule never become real, which is not the case now, the theoretical exercise to think about these questions is worth. I enjoyed the process a lot.

One more question: Who knows where my little orange time capsule will end from now on?